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Members of the Montgomery County Republican Party outreaching to the community at the fair.

Republican Party Neck Tie

Republican Party Elephant Neck Tie
At the Fair.

I saw this great political gift idea at the County Fair and just had to have one!

Posted by Formal Attire Required? (guest) on Mon 21 Jun 2010 06:51:37 PM UTC

The Binturong (Arctictis binturong), also known as the Malay Civet Cat, the Asian Bearcat, the Palawan Bearcat, and just simply the Bearcat is neither a bear nor a cat but is a type of civet of the family Viverridae.

Bearcats on the loose in Singapore!

So I was riding my bicycle home last evening (okay so it was 2am and I'd had a few beers) and passed through a neighborhood that is fractionally outskirtish - not even semi-rural. But Singapore is heart of the tropics. And the jungle only got pushed back a generation or so ago.

I started down a hill and heard a rustle, glanced left just in time to spot two bulky Bearcats breaking for cover in the drainage ditch! (At least I hope they were ducking for cover and not looking for a big dinner!)

Frankly, I didn't know what they were until just now! Cause I've seen Civets and these weren't - much stouter - they were exactly like the ones being fed in the photo, but with a broad band of white across their rump.

Two of these things running a parallel intercept and believe me, I wasn't slowing down to check them out!

Posted by Stephen McFarland (guest) on Wed 02 Jun 2010 10:08:35 AM UTC

The Binturong (Arctictis binturong), also known as the Malay Civet Cat, the Asian Bearcat, the Palawan Bearcat, and just simply the Bearcat is neither a bear nor a cat but is a type of civet of the family Viverridae.

Asian Bearcat

Looks like a racoon on steroids....lol

Posted by digitrunner (guest) on Sun 30 May 2010 05:05:37 AM UTC

A crowd is forming around the Himalaya amusement ride.

Hells Yeah

Back in the mid through late 70ā€™s, Himalayas all played Electric Light Orchestra- cranking so loud, you could hear it in the parking area 2 blocks away! Those were the best times to ride these beasts. The operators were NUTS and they did some pretty crazy & entertaining stunts on and off of the moving sleds. Iā€™m ready to go ride one right now!! ā€“ JJ ā€˜71

Posted by JJ '71 (guest) on Mon 19 Oct 2009 10:41:42 PM UTC

A crowd is forming around the Himalaya amusement ride.

May's Himalaya Fan Website

Hey Tyrone,
I went to your web site. I can tell you are a real fan.

Posted by Luke Wilbur on Tue 22 Sep 2009 01:44:58 AM UTC

A crowd is forming around the Himalaya amusement ride.

The REAL Himalaya

If You want to see photos of the original Himalaya ride, visit my website: www.freewebs.com/revehimi .

Posted by Tyrone May (guest) on Tue 22 Sep 2009 12:36:58 AM UTC

A crowd is forming around the Himalaya amusement ride.

Not a Himalaya

The pictures is a Music Express manufactured by Mack. It's manufactured in several configurations/names. The ORIGIAL Himalaya was manufactured by Josef Ziere who manufactures the immensely popular Wave Swinger. The owner of the Himalaya plans moved the manufacturing from Germany to France and the Reverchon factory converted the ride from electric drive to hydraulic. The basic design didn't change until the factory redesigned the ride to fit in a "standard" building that could house several round rides. Though the ride remained popular the original design and charm was lost and the new design proved much less popular.

Posted by Guest on Wed 19 Aug 2009 02:12:29 AM UTC

This Bunny Holland Lop is sooo cute.

That holland lop is really ugly you should get a new one!!!

Posted by lucy (guest) on Wed 08 Jul 2009 10:46:43 PM UTC

Number 2 is first out of the gates.


    Posted by sita (guest) on Sat 16 Aug 2008 04:12:50 PM UTC

    The pig named Wilbur (no relation to Charlotte's web or this publisher)is the second biggest hog in the World. Now that is alot of bacon.


    Posted by sita (guest) on Sat 16 Aug 2008 03:59:25 PM UTC

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