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This old warlock casts a 'unlucky 13 disorienting spell' on those within grasp.


trey is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ugly

Posted by halen (guest) on Mon 29 Mar 2010 06:29:02 PM UTC

This old warlock casts a 'unlucky 13 disorienting spell' on those within grasp.


you r crazy peace out lol...................,

Posted by sara (guest) on Mon 29 Mar 2010 06:27:12 PM UTC

This old warlock casts a 'unlucky 13 disorienting spell' on those within grasp.


you r a ugly person..................,

Posted by brooke (guest) on Mon 29 Mar 2010 06:25:39 PM UTC

Fear Takes a Face.

Who is he of she suppost 2 be cause the dudit look hideus

Posted by shealyn (guest) on Sun 08 Nov 2009 07:41:29 PM UTC

The Haunted Toilet...it will get you in the end.

I know rite distusting.

Posted by shealyn (guest) on Sun 08 Nov 2009 07:38:28 PM UTC

Vampires lurk around every corner.


I see no vampires weird ohs

Posted by shealyn (guest) on Sun 08 Nov 2009 07:34:29 PM UTC

The Face of Fear.

who's that suppost 2 be yalls mom I mean come on yall can do better than that I can barely even see who ever that is.

Posted by shealyn (guest) on Sun 08 Nov 2009 07:32:26 PM UTC

The "Ring Room" room was one of most enjoyable displays of the evening...and getting there was half the fun!

    yall r weird lol.

    Posted by shealyn (guest) on Sun 08 Nov 2009 07:29:57 PM UTC

    Don't you just hate it when that happens?

    wat ever

    thats like reely comensence rite there and I thats really stupid of wat that says why dont yall use yalls brain sometimes

    Posted by shealyn (guest) on Sun 08 Nov 2009 07:27:39 PM UTC

    Markoffs Haunted Forest

    Markoff's haunted forest

    We just want to first thank dc pages for the opportunity to finally go and experience this event.We had the fright of our lives in those woods.I am and will always be a horror lover and did not think by any means this could make me jump or squeal but I must say Im glad I went to the restroom before the trail.there were 5 of us and we were one of the last groups to go thru that evening and the staff really poored it on.We did not think it was as late asit was but we stayed there for about 3 hours doing other activities while we waited for the trail. The staff is wonderful and the set up is genius.We were more than impressed with everything and there were so many people I thought we were at a rock concert.However everything moved quickly and very smooth. I will do this every year for Holloween and bring friends. This could easily become a tradition. Thanxs DC Pages. P.S. The staff there Love U Guys. Keep doin wat u do!!!! Thanxs Markoff! Cya Nxt Yr.
    Gene Roland And Family

    Posted by Gene Roland/UPS guy and family (guest) on Wed 04 Nov 2009 06:26:23 PM UTC

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