Posted by DC Gift Shop (guest) on Tue 01 Jun 2010 06:18:43 PM UTC
Masonic layout of Washington D.C.
here is something interesting for you:
It's more than just square and compass...
Posted by awaken (guest) on Fri 04 Dec 2009 10:00:48 AM UTC
It's possible,sure,but I'm not totally convinced: it's too out-of-proportion.The compass is way too large compared to the square. Also, the square isn't forming a true 90-degree angle (which is why it's called a square).And if you orient the map in a north-south direction, why would the Square and Compass be laying on its side?No Mason ever displays this symbol side-ways! Did the original city's architect really design a Square &Compass into the street plans and omit confessing to have done so? There was certainly nothing wrong with being a Mason back then, so why hide the fact? It doesn't make any sense. P.S. You can do this same thing with a map of Detroit-chalk up another one for sheer coincidence.
Posted by Bill (guest) on Mon 19 Oct 2009 09:36:04 AM UTC
hi i from Argentina and i been there a few years ago and i regonize some building but i want know the name to every building , couse that compass is mason it´s right? and i saw in discovery channel about interesting learn .
thanks. and i mess dc.
hola soy de argentina y estuve hace unos años atras y reconosco algunos edificios y me gustaria saber el nombre de todos , porque ese compas representa el simbolo mason , lo vi en discovery y es interesante aprender y gracias, y extraño DC
Posted by Ariel (guest) on Tue 29 Jul 2008 08:31:04 PM UTC
Highest quality laminated map with detailed stree
Vising Washington this Summer? DC Visitors Map - $16.25
Posted by DC Gift Shop (guest) on Tue 01 Jun 2010 06:18:43 PM UTC