Have you ever wondered whats underneath your skin?
After seeing this Exhibition, you will finally know. BODIES...The Exhibition allows people to learn about their own bodies and, ultimately, teaches how to take better care of their health and make positive lifestyle choices. What makes the exhibit so compelling (real bodies in everyday poses) is also what makes it most controversial. Without those very features, the exhibit would not be such a powerful educational experience. The exhibition enables visitors to see and understand the medical conditions of their friends and loved ones in a whole new way by highlighting pressing health concerns, including obesity, breast cancer, colon
cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, ectopic pregnancy, arthritis, osteoporosis and bone fractures. The exhibition also highlights damage done to organs due to the perils of smoking and dietary excesses. Bodies...The exhibition continues to draw strong support from educators and parents. The exhibition is a must-see" for those who are interested in science and health. Bodies...the Exhibition is Now Open For a Limited Engagement Through October 14th. OPEN at 10am (Museum Closes at 7pm; Last Entry at 6pm). Special Considerations: Some specimens have exposed genitalia, and there's an alternate route for people who are upset by the "fetal development" exhibit.
The Dome in Rosslyn
1101 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington VA 22209
Nearest Metro Station: Rosslyn - Blue and Orange lines, then a two-block walk.
Street and garage parking is available in the area.
This specimen shows how blood circulates through the body's 60,000-mile network, oxygen diffuses from the blood into cells surrounding the capillaries, and carbon dioxide diffuses into the blood from the capillary cells. The relatively de-oxygenated blood collects in the venous system which coalesces into two major veins: the superior vena cava (roughly speaking from areas above the heart) and the inferior vena cava (roughly speaking from areas below the heart).
De-oxygenated blood enters the right atrium of the heart and flows into the right ventricle where it is pumped through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs. Pulmonary veins return the now oxygen-rich blood to the heart, where it enters the left atrium before flowing into the left ventricle. From the left ventricle the oxygen-rich blood is pumped out via the aorta, and on to the rest of the body.
Translucent fetal specimens float in clear cylinders, each marking the progressive growth that occurs between fertilization of an egg to the birth of a baby. all specimens on display died of natural causes in utero.
A golden opportunity to open a childs eyes and, in a way no textbook ever could, to teach them about the complexities of the human body.
This specimen is cut into multiple sections.
This specimen illustrates how are brain is protectively encased within the skull.
Notice how organs are organized within our bodies.
This staff member was asked how much the average human brain weighs.
This family was impressed on well layed out and informative the exhibit was.
The minature skeleton is the best selling item at the exhibit gift shop.