Albert Pike was considered by his peers during his time to a reincarnation of Plato, the Homer of America, and the Zoroaster of Asia.
"The True Word of a Mason is to be found in the concealed and profound meaning of the Ineffable Name of Deity, communicated by God to Moses; and which meaning was lost by the very precautions taken to conceal it."
Alhim 'elim (Hebrew) [plural of 'el god] One method of transliterating 'elim, although the insertion of the h is incorrect. The number-values of the letters of 'Elohim, transliterated as alhim are 13514: when used anagrammatically they may be read as 31415, the value of pi.
Elohim (n.) One of the principal names by which God is designated in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Observant Jews write down but do not pronounce the Tetragrammaton, because it is considered too sacred to be used for common activities. Even ordinary prayer is considered too common for this use. The Tetragrammaton was pronounced by the High Priest on Yom Kippur when the Temple was standing in Jerusalem. Since the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, the Tetragrammaton is no longer pronounced, and while Jewish tradition holds that the correct pronunciation is known to a select few people in each generation, it is not generally known what this pronunciation is. Instead, common Jewish use has been to substitute the name "Adonai" ("My Lord") where the Tetragrammaton appears.
"The Word, if was such, has been long lost, and is not yet found by the popular Freemasonry. If ever reinstated by it it will be without a meaning, there. What we do now certainly know is, that we are in possessio of the ancient Symbols of the creed of Zarathustra, the Magi, and Pythagoras; and that we know what these symbols meant to them. It will be profitable to inquire how they regarded in later agaes, and what influence their doctrine has had in the world of human thought and speculation. It may confirm that we have indeed the Royal Secret."