Founded in 1984, FreedomWorks is headquartered in Washington, DC.
A political storm is brewing in our Nation's capital. Tens of thousands of protesters attended the 9 - 12 Taxpayer March on Washington, DC. The purpose of the march was to protest the size and scope of government and promote nonviolent movement that will lead the United States to a more secure democracy. Crowds gathered at Freedom Plaza Saturday morning at 9:00 am. There were speakers and music until the march kicked off at 11:30 and proceeded down Pennsylvania Avenue to the West Front Lawn of the Capitol. The official rally began at 1:00 p.m.
Republican protestor, the National Mall, 9-12-09 * Echoing the sentiments brayed by Rep. Joe Wilson(R-SC), directed at President Barack Obama during the Presidential Address to a Joint Session of Congress on 9-8-09; this man holds a home-made sign in apparent total agreement.
Deneen Borelli says Stop Using Race Card * "Let's set the record straight right now. We are We the people have had enough," stated Deneen Borelli. "We will not sit silently while our liberties and our freedoms are being looted by elected officials serving their interest and not the interest...
Modern-day iconoclast Sleepy but feisty, this road-warrior brought his message loud and clear to the US Capitol grounds for the Taxpayer March on DC, September, 2009. The grey color paint reflected the weather and mood of the rally.
Sign portrays Obama as the "Joker" on United States Capitol Grounds, Washington, DC, 2009 * The two signs read: "I'll keep my freedom, guns and money ... and you can keep the 'Change,'" a reference to President Obama's campaign slogan, and the other reads "Bury [sic] Obamacare with Kennedy," a reference to the 2009 death of Senator Edward M....
Betsy McCaughey Holds Up 1000 Page Health Care Bill * "NO DEAL!!! This bill, HR 3200, is a medical assault on seniors," stated Patient Advocate Betsy McCaughey.
"Don't tread on the South" It appears these protestors are fed-up with being trod upon in the Southern United States of America. Secession talk abound that the South will rise again to fight the federal takeover of state and individual rights.
Obama v. Stalin, Hitler, et. al. * The sign reads:“What do they have in common? They are Socialists, Communists, & Fascists. All of them want the United States of America and the Constitution on which it is founded destroyed." This man reckons the President of the United States to be a...
Bruce Webster Speaks on why he is protesting * Lifetime Democratic Voter is concerned about the liberties we are losing.
The President of the United States is an "undocumented worker" Some of the protesters are part of the "Birther Movement," which consider President Obama's presidency illegitimate. The Birthers believe the Barack Obama was not born in the United States of America. Therefore he is considered an undocumented worker.
President Obama: Here's your sign * In a delightfully madcap twist on the catchphrase of Comedy Centrals' Larry the Cable Guy, this protesters poster is adorned with a yellow diamond-shaped quadrangle with the old Soviet Union's flags' hammer and sickle to imply Obama is a Communist. Get ...
Message to Glenn Beck * Sign at taxpayer protest rally - for all you do... - THANK YOU - GLENN BECK - [drawn image of heart] LAMBERTVILLE, MICHIGAN - 9 - 12 PROJECT REMEMBERS.
Liar-liar-pants-on-fire. * A patriot displays an effigy of the Commander in Chief, President Barack H. Obama, a former Senator from Illinois. If it weren't for the First Amendment to the Constitution, this person would be in some deep doo-doo. God Bless America.
Crucified Baby Liberty Puppet *
Lady Liberty anyway ...
U.S. Military Officer Tea Party Protester * Major Anderson risks violating a military rule prohibiting wearing uniforms without authorization to protest the current government policy.
Tea Party Rally on National Mall During the rally Matt Kibbe, president of FreedomWorks, made a statement that over 1.5 million people attended at the rally on the National Mall, courtesy of ABC news ... to which ABC replied "we never said anything of the sort."