The Lincoln Memorial has no fees or reservations associated with a visit. The public may visit the Lincoln Memorial 24 hours a day. However, Park Rangers are on only duty from 9:30 am to 11:30 pm daily.
General visitor parking is available along Ohio Drive between the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials. Bus parking is primarily available along Ohio Drive near the Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials.
“In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the Union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever.” Beneath these words, the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln sits immortalized in marble.
An enduring symbol of Freedom for all, the Lincoln Memorial attracts anyone who seeks inspiration and hope.
The Lincoln Memorial is located at the west end of the National Mall. From the top of the stairs in front of the memorial, you have a great view of the Washington Monument and the US Capitol.
Lincoln Memorial - Historical Design The basic principles for the development of Greek temple architecture have their roots between the 10th century BC and the 7th century BC.
Lincoln Memorial - Coffered Or Lacunaria Ceiling Caissons cover the portico ceiling within the outer colonnade of towering columns
Lincoln Memorial - Southern Colonnade *
The Lincoln sits on one end of the Reflecting Pool opposite the World War II Memorial, followed by the |
Lincoln Memorial - Postcard The southern exposure of the monument, just after sun-rise, offers visitors a picture perfect postcard photo opportunity
South East Exterior Corner - Lincoln Memorial Frieze DELEWARE Inscription This excellent picture has multiple lions heads looking left and shows the somewhat plain Doric Column tops known as Capitols
East Exterior View - Lincoln Memorial - Frieze, Cornice, and Atttic A close-up view of the intricate carvings and castings that cover the upper portion of the Lincoln Memorial
East Exterior View - Lincoln Memorial - Secret Society Legend suggests that secret messages may be encoded into the Memorial's inscriptions in the form of accentuated lettering like the raised "I" in PENNSYLVANIA
East Exterior View - Lincoln Memorial - Frieze Cornice The NEW JERSEY section is inscribed MDCCLXXXVII, (1787), in recognition of the date Congress approved The "Garden State" as the third to join the Union
East Exterior View - Lincoln Memorial - Classic Greek Architechture The Geison strip has Dentil Mutules with hanging Guttae, and tops the Frieze wall marked GEORGIA, and ties in the Cornice. The Cornice's lions heads and flower bud blocks, tie the scallop blocks together.
East Exterior View - Lincoln Memorial Close Up A close up of the Wisconsin lions head. Also seen here is the the upper Attic's floral Garland Bas-Relief
East Exterior View - Lincoln Memorial - Architectural Terms The lower band below the CONNECTICUT block, separating the Frieze and the Architrave, is known as the Regula, and has hanging round Guttae
East Exterior View - Lincoln Memorial - Limestone and Marble Over the years, much of the aging building has collected dirt and needs to be restored
East Exterior View - Lincoln Memorial - Greek Temple The standard format of Greek public buildings is known from surviving examples such as the Parthenon and the Hephaesteum at Athens, the temple complex at Selinunte (Selinus) and the sanctuaries at Agrigentum
East Exterior View - Lincoln Memorial - Freedom Eagle Notice the Bald Eagle carved into the Attic with its down-turned wings signifying a readiness to take flight and defend our great nation
North East Corner Exterior View - Lincoln Memorial - 1788 Frieze Virginia was accepted to the union on June 25, 1788, and was the 10th state admitted.