Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, was the home of a Puritan community with a strict moral code. Many residents believed in and feared witchcraft. Consequently, when two young girls fell into trances and had seizures that doctors could not explain, many people in the town said witchcraft was to blame. On March 1, 1692, authorities charged three women, Sarah Goode, Sarah Osborne, and a Native American slave woman named Tituba, with practicing witchcraft. Tituba confessed under pressure from court officials, and her confession ignited a hunt for witches that left 19 men and women hanged, one man pressed to death, and over 150 more people in prison awaiting a trial.
As if Salem isn't spooky enough! As if Salem MA isn't spooky enough, some people have the unfortunate but distinct pleasure of living on Witch Hill Road! Happy Halloween 2009.
Do angels travel on sunbeams?
I do not know, but rumors abound...
Hollow stump made into a fire pit This is actually a great idea but probably difficult to come by because trees have to be very old (relatively) to be hollowed out - this is a tree which was used as a natural fire pit. Brilliant really.
RUN! USE YOUR ARMS! The location where people were hanged and crushed to death for practicing witchcraft is one spooky locale. Adding to the fright factor is this spray painted sidewalk sign that reads RUN USE YOUR ARMS! Scary.
RUN USE YOUR ARMS (cont.) This is the city where people were hanged and crushed to death for practicing witchcraft and is one spooky place. Adding to the fright factor is this spray-painted sidewalk- sign that reads RUN USE YOUR ARMS!
Graphically illustrated, run for your life!!! If you don't know what to do when you're in a certain part of the Northeast United States (Hint: its postal abbreviation is MA, and its city was a once popular cigarette brand)this illustration serves as great instructions. Happy all Hallows Eve to all.
The top of Gallows Hill An old and weathered pavilion sits atop Gallows Hill during a cool day in the Fall. October 2009; Massachusetts.
This bumble bee thinks it's real blood Maybe it is... A Mass. gang put up its "tag" as the kids are wont to say these days.
The Gallows Crew Massachusetts' most feared gang: since late Summer 2009.
Legend of the Hanging Man Local legend has it (and by local I mean Salem, Massachusetts)there is a man hanging from the swing-set in this photo. Some people can actually see him, and apparently quite clearly, but I've studied the picture and I see nothing.
Rumor has it there is a
Rumor has it there is a face which can be seen in this foliage - can you find it??
Where's Baphomet? The Angel looks for him, but Baphomet is shifty.